Is our understanding of the Lord’s supper too shallow? Deeper lessons can be learned from corrective instruction. Some of the points below are based upon how I interpret the text as to the background problems occurring at Corinth. Therefore, the point might not be as obvious without a detailed explanation which is not included in this brief devotional. Basically, the “Have’s” in the congregation were mistreating the “Have-Not’s” by not sharing the emblems of the Lord’s supper with the poorer among them. This caused shame on the body of Christ.
Their needed correction serves us though by allowing us a deeper understanding of this special weekly event.
1. Is a positive treatment of the church when done rightly (11:17).
2. Is a sign of unity (11:18,19).
3. Is the Lord’s meal and not our own to do with what we wish (11:20-21).
4. Is an example of sharing, honoring, friendship, and equality (11:22,23).
5. Is a historical and theological reminder of the incarnation (11:24,25).
6. Is a time to remember (11:24-25).
7. Is a repeated act (11:25,26).
8. Is a covenant renewal (11:25).
9. Is a proclamation of death (11:26).
10. Is a proclamation of resurrection (11:26)
11. Is a temporal, anticipatory ordinance (11:26).
12. Is to be taken with right attitude towards others (11:27,28,31).
13. Is a sign of equality (11:29).
14. Is a communal act involving patience (11:33).
More lessons can be learned elsewhere such as Jesus saying he wouldn’t share again with them in this meal until “I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). From this passage and others, like Acts 2, we know this means Jesus is sitting on the throne. So the new meaning of the Passover is this: just as the Israelites escaped death, saw their slave-king defeated, and gained freedom, so did Jesus escape death via the resurrection, defeat the slave-sin-king, and is now reigning. The Lord’s supper is a celebration of freedom, the resurrection and kingship of Jesus!
Does this help you have a deeper understanding of this special weekly event?